Well, today w
as the Claremont Tweed Ride. Tweed rides are organized in many cities around the world, some of the largest being held in London and San Francisco. As the name suggests, riders dress in as much tweed as they have. I could only manage my Irish tweed cap, with a shirt, tie and non-tweed vest, while Tamera was able to find a jacket at the last minute. Not only are there a bunch of people dressed from days of yesteryear, classic bikes hit the streets decked out in their
finest accoutrements as well; the classic winner today being a shining silver steed dating to 1937. The Claremont ride is still in its infancy (I believe this is only its second year) and is organized by Dale, of TheVelo, the "worlds smallest bike shop. About 18 people and their rides came out, meandered around the Claremont College campuses and the streets of the Village, and ended up at the Packing House Wine Merchants for a little
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