Thursday, June 3, 2010

Younger People Driving Less, Auto Industry Getting Nervous...

This is the second report stating that younger people are driving less, putting off buying a car, and in general are not as interested in car ownership. So maybe there is a way out of this car-centric mess that has been created yet. Not many years ago car ownership was almost a rite of passage; turn sixteen and get your driver's license, followed by a job to kick-start that lifelong commitment to the old ball and chain (auto, not wife/husband). I image it is still too early to tell if this is an actual change in direction based on want, or some cyclical aberration due to economics or technology, as is suggested. But clearly a door to a new future has been opened and beckons. Unfortunately, it may be a lengthy transition - last night was 'family fun night' at my son's school, an annual end of year event, and a perfect opportunity to leave the car at home for once. But, the bike racks were only half-full (maybe 10 bikes, 3 of which were the property of la familia), while parking on the surrounding streets was at a premium. Instead of leading by example, too many seem content to perpetuate the mistakes of the past. I do not understand how parents, more than any other group of people, with a vested interest in providing a better future for their children can continue to ignore opportunities to proactively participate in ensuring that such a future evolves.

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