Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Protest World Car-free Day, huh?

I have considered myself to be pretty much left of center for as long as I can realistically remember, and quite frankly find myself moving further that direction as each year passes. High on the list of reasons why (but trust me there are many others) is the far-right obsession with automobility. Just check this out to see what I mean. Come on, how can any right-thinking (pun intended) individual possibly protest against World Car-free Day. As an example the author bemoans the ever-expanding taxpayer subsidies for mass transit systems, failing to note how this would benefit a greater number of people for less expense than the ever-expanding taxpayer subsidies for maintenance and expansion of the current highway system. And check out the last points; apparently the author has never seen a utility bike, and fails to comprehend their versatility. Apparently you can send an email to the Competitive Enterprise Institute, but I don't see any option to leave a comment. Probably a good idea. Something about the blind leading the blind, stuck at the back of my mind, and I have to go shake it loose.

Funny, I just saw this poster on another blog (Munchenierung). Maybe this is what the CEI is afraid of.

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