Sunday, September 12, 2010


If you have noticed a recent racing and training oriented bent to my posts lately, you would not be mistaken. I blame it on the new KHS. While my older Basso may have started out in life as my racing steed in the early 90s, it has grown slow with age, and unable to keep up with the young guns. That's right I lay it all on the bike. The introduction of new, light-weight components staved off the inevitable for a while, but the new bike is much more nimble, much more quick [and much more able to bunny hop a candlestick?] Well, maybe that last part doesn't hold; point is it has helped to further rekindle my interest in, and commitment to, racing again. That does not mean that my interest in advocacy, commuting, etc has diminished, but those things will be sharing space here more often now than they perhaps did in the past.

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