Thursday, September 16, 2010

Another poor advertising choice...

The Lexus commercial says, in that nauseatingly refined voice, now that school is back in session, forget about the bus (and by inference I suppose walking and biking) and instead drive the kids to school in your brand new Lexus. You will be the envy of all the other parents, the other kids will ooooh and aaaah (and presumably tell their parents that they too need one). And then, you may even get an 'A' from Mrs. (fill in a name). Disgusting. Forget the fact that they cost more than anyone should ever spend on a bloody automobile, have these people never driven by a school in the morning or afternoon, and witnessed the congestion themselves? Are they not aware of the obesity epidemic that plagues the auto-dependent masses? Do they not read about the deaths and injuries which occur around schools this time of year, caused by impatient and distracted drivers of the very vehicles they wish to see more of outside of schools? Or is it simply a matter of greed trumping reason?

1 comment:

  1. Why do parents insist upon driving their kids? Is it supposed to be "safer" than letting them walk? Punching a hole in the ozone layer to "protect" your children?


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