Thursday, July 29, 2010


One of the many attractions of the bicycle, I believe, is the simplicity of the machine. Entirely powered by the human body, there are only so many parts to make it go (the bike, not the body), and thus only so many things that could go wrong. If there was a mantra of bicycle repair I would make it a simple three-parter, as such, "lube it, tighten it, or replace it". The first two will suffice to address almost all problems that might be encountered and are the mainstays of any regular maintenance routine. The third, replace it, only comes into play when something cracks or breaks as a result of material imperfections, regular wear and tear, or (gasp) improper maintenance, or a replacement due to upgrade. There may be some science involved in keeping a bike running smoothly, but none of it is of the rocket variety, and is therefore well within the grasp of most riders. The garage has become a favorite room lately - a fold-up camping chair, a cold drink, some music, surrounded by the household's bikes and I am set for the duration. There is a certain satisfaction to be achieved by doing it yourself; self-sufficiency is a diminishing art form, but one well suited to the world of cycling. Give it a try; questions, just let me know.

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