Friday, April 23, 2010

Cycling Claremont: Infrastructure...

New bike racks have sprouted up around town, new features of Claremont's Bike Priority Zone (BPZ) development. I spotted them yesterday, funny how something new like this just grabs your attention, and had to ride back down to the Village today to take some photos. Other parts of the BPZ set to be implemented soon and completed this summer include sharrows, bicycle wayfinding signs, loop detection at traffic signals, and design of a city bicycle logo. As for the racks, there are three new ones; the first outside city hall, the second outside the depot/Metrolink station, and the third near the Packing House in the West Village area. They were installed just this week and are already being used. Small steps, but I like the way things are developing.

The rack at City Hall, painted green to symbolize sustainability.

The new rack at the Depot, color chosen to match the tile roof.

Rack near the Packing House, with colors reflecting the historic citrus industry and the tile mural in the background at the top of the stairs.

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