Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Monkeywrench days...

This week saw one of those rare days when the wind does something unpredictable. Most days it blows the same routine, I expect to ride into a headwind on the way home in the evening; it might be slightly stronger one day from the next, but if is always  there, and I accept that. It is a given. But Monday morning I set out into a headwind that caught me off guard and never let up. That extra bit of pushing in the morning actually had me a little leg-weary in the evening still. I guess our bodies get used to certain conditions, especially when we follow a set routine. My way of dealing with this has always been to mix things up from day to day - road/mountain, long/short, fast/slow. This has usually worked for things I can control. The wind, however, has always been another matter, one beyond my control. At these times the wind becomes the adversary, one to be challenged, and for me the challenge has always been one of those reasons I ride.

Tuesday dawned and gave birth to that morning wind again, thankfully not as strong. And now it is Wednesday, and things are back to normal (whew) and I was able to enjoy and fast and relaxing ride to work. I have visited some truly windy places, so I know that we tend to be pretty fortunate around here (as long as we don't ride too close to the Cajon Pass) but that does not make those monkeywrench days any easier.

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