Monday, February 28, 2011

Monday's mural...

This mural, painted above an entrance to Mead Hall, Pitzer College, was painted by students Darci Raphael and Aaron Rhodes in 1995. I can't seem to find any additional information, such as title, inspiration, etc., but this mural apparently has served to inspire students to create additional smaller murals and paintings along nearby colonnades.


  1. Aaron Rhodes and Darci Raphael were among MANY students who painted that night and their mural took weeks to finish. They were inspired by a chalk mural put high on the front of MEAD by then student Vincent Nanni. The President of the school had a talk with him and he promised not to do any more. The next day, another student ran amok throughout the college, painting red stars everywhere. THIS subsequent explosion of paint was the inspiration for the many murals that were painted after the night the campus had a meeting to decide whether or not to allow murals on campus. Rhodes and Raphael's work was a part of that initial explosion of art before it was decided that the walkways should be used, but they were NOT the originators.

  2. Thanks for chiming in. Most of the info I gather on these has come from the College's cataloging project, and that is often pretty minimal at best. It is especially informative when people who were there fill in with additional background.


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