Monday, July 18, 2011

Reason to Ride: Challenge...

I hit that first ramp on the Mt. Baldy Road about 9:30 in the morning, and was greeted by absolutely nothing. No sounds of motors, no whisper of air, no sight of a rabbit up the road to pursue. Too bad, I've been climbing well lately; finally receiving some payback for all those Friday's up GMR I have been riding lately. A number of mountain bikers rolling down the road further back, and a couple roadies standing in the shade at Padua - were they on their way down, or debating the merits and wisdom of heading up? Going to be a hot climb, even this early in the day. It is worth it though; pushing yourself, even when you don't have to. The challenge.

Just the Friday past, I was headed up GMR and came upon a couple women riders. Stopped on the downhill side, with bikes lying in the roadway. I slowed and asked if everything was alright. Just fine, they responded. Then, as I powered up to continue on, they admitted to having set a new personal record. Distance, I guessed, with a photo at the spot to remember. The challenge. Wish I had taken a photo, it would have made a good story. Yes, the challenge, one of many reasons I ride.

I always liked this portion of the Baldy Road. It's about as level as it gets, just before the Shinn junction. A moment of relief. As that hillside on the left kind of passes behind you, Baldy slowly sliding across the horizon reveals itself, your first view of the peak since beginning the ascent.

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